“It’s not important who does the planting, or who does the watering. What’s important is that God makes the seed grow.” — 1 Corinthians 3:7
Unbeknownst to Ann Hatchaboon, God had been pursuing her since birth. But because she was raised in a Buddhist family in Thailand, Ann’s knowledge of God was non-existent. Nevertheless, God graciously planted seeds in her life that He would one day bring to fruition. One of those seeds was when a close friend, “Mr. K,” converted to Christianity. A few years later, she randomly attended a church service on Christmas and heard the gospel but chose to ignore it. Again, a few years later, Mr. K shared the gospel with Ann personally, piquing some interest, but she still remained strictly Buddhist.

He recalls of their first meeting, “She seemed to be indwelled with the Holy Spirit already. I remember thinking, ‘this girl is Christian, but she just doesn’t realize it!’”

The two sparked up a conversation and the man shared that he sensed the Holy Spirit in her, that’s why he asked if she was a Christian. He shared with her that he hadn’t been feeling well that day, but decided to go for a swim. After talking with her, he knew why he was compelled to go there that day…for God had given him a mission to meet Ann and plant another seed.
A few weeks later, at church where Pastor Davey presented the gospel, Ann had some stirring questions that would ultimately lead her to accept Christ as her Savior. Because her time in the United States was coming to an end, Ann requested if she could be baptized before leaving the country in a just a few short days.
Due to Ann’s unusual set of circumstances, the church heartily agreed, and she was baptized the following weekend on March 12, 2017.
While it may have seemed like a whirlwind of events culminating with her baptism, the reality is God had been pursuing Ann for years.

Ann is excited and thankful to be back in the U.S. where she hopes to be a bridge between Thailand and America to share the good news of Christ’s love to all those who don’t know Him yet. And of course, to be a loving wife and helpmate to Chris!