Investing in the Lord’s work is not something God wants from us, but for us! The New Testament does not require a percentage amount, but a willing spirit. The principles of willingness and cheerfulness are discovered in the Apostle Paul’s challenge to the Corinthians to give just as he purposed in his heart; not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:7).
![Ways-to-Give-new-web copy](
Enjoy the convenience and security of our online giving experience, which allows for simple giving from a variety of platforms, including mobile giving. Easily set up recurring gifts here online and donate via credit/debit or ACH (bank account). You can also give through our App! It’s so easy that it will leave you smiling! And the Lord loves a cheerful giver!
Offering Boxes
If you’re attending services in person, we have offering boxes near each exit of the Worship Center where you can drop off your donation. Giving envelopes are also available there and by each of our Welcome Centers.
By Mail
Still prefer to use snail mail? No problem! Just send your donation to our Office Address at:
The Shepherd’s Church
6051 Tryon Road
Cary, NC 27518
Stocks & Securities
You will receive a tax deduction for the fair market value of your securities at the time of the donation. To donate a security, complete the appropriate form linked below. Send one copy to your broker to authorize the transaction and one copy to our church office letting us know how you want the funds applied.
The ministry of The Shepherd’s Church is funded by the generous and sacrificial gifts of God’s people. We are committed to honoring God’s provision by exercising wise and faithful stewardship, ethical business practices and integrity in all of our dealings.
We take this course so that no one should blame us about this generous gift
that is being administered by us, for we aim at what is honorable
not only in the Lord’s sight but also in the sight of man.
(2 Corinthians 8:20-21 ESV)
Ministry Fund
The Ministry Fund is how we support all of the ongoing ministries of the church. This fund pays the staff, supports all of the ministry budgets, pays the mortgage and utilities, supports our global workers and is the primary means by which our ministry is supported. As you prayerfully consider your financial support to Lord’s work at The Shepherd’s Church, this is where your regular giving goes. Support of the other funds would be giving that is above and beyond your regular giving as the Lord enables you to give more.
Debt Reduction
The Debt Reduction Fund is an opportunity for you to accelerate the pace at which our debt is eliminated. While the base mortgage is paid from the Ministry Fund, all gifts to the Debt Reduction Fund go directly toward making additional debt payments.
Grace Promise
Grace Promise giving allows our church to financially support gospel-impacting projects around the world, plant and equip churches throughout the USA via the Shepherds Network (TSN), and provide administrative support through Shepherds International (SI) for global workers sent from The Shepherd’s Church. LEARN MORE ABOUT TSN AND SI.
We Can Help!
- If you have confidential questions about logging into your account or your giving record, please contact Stefany Singer at 919.233.9100.
- For questions about our budget or financial policies, please contact Kevin Welch, CAO, at 919.233.9100.
Contact Us!
Kevin Welch / Chief Administrative Officer
Stefany Singer / Finance Assistant
Lori LePage / Finance & Membership Database Assistant