RightNow Media is a highly accessible and customizable tool that streams all kinds of biblical content through its Bible Study Library. Think of it as a “Netflix” for churches, with all kinds of videos centered around specific studies, books, and topics, all of which can be streamed from virtually anywhere (iPhone, iPad, laptops, Apple TV, Roku, etc.) at anytime. And it is our gift to you, because access is FREE for The Shepherd’s Church members, attendees, and visitors!
You can sign up for your complimentary account using the button below. We hope you’ll take advantage of this awesome opportunity. Most of what you’ll find will help you grow spiritually in your pursuit to become more like Christ! Please be discerning. Not all of the content lines up with what we believe the Bible teaches. Write to us at family@shepherds.org if you have a question or concern about someone you are listening to.