Ministry Teams

One of the ways you begin to feel “at home” in a church is by developing relationships. But to truly be part of the body of Christ means finding your place to serve the Lord and make a difference in the lives of others.  We have many ministries that exist to serve those who attend and to reach out to those who don’t know Christ.  We want to help you find your place of ministry!


Opportunities for Adult Bible Fellowship Teachers, Home Group Leaders, Men’s Bible Study Leaders, Childcare Workers, Hospitality and more!

Guest Services

Opportunities for Parking Lot Attendants, Welcome Desk Volunteers, Worship Center Team, and Be Our Guest Hosts.


Opportunities for Aaron and Hur Prayer Partners and Call to Prayer Warriors, as well as Serving our Widows as a Ministry Team Member, Special Talent Volunteer or Associate Volunteer.


Opportunities for Mentors, Community Group Leaders and Host Homes, Event Transportation, Evangelism and Apologetics, and more!


Opportunities in our Adult Choir, Orchestra, Elementary Choirs, Student Choir, Handbells, and Deaf Ministry Interpreters!


Opportunities for Audio and Lighting Technicians, Stage Team, Camera/Video/Livestreaming Operators, and Projectionists. All training is provided!


Opportunities for Sunday morning Teachers and Greeters; Sunday night Activity Monitors; and Sunday night Small Group Leaders.


Opportunities from nursery to preschool to elementary to serve as Lead Teachers, Assistants, Substitutes and more!

Special Needs

Opportunities for Sunday morning Class Teachers, Assistants, and Mainstreaming Buddies; Sunday evening Awana class volunteers and more!


Opportunities for Fall Fest Volunteers, ESL Assistants and Childcare Workers, Partners in Prayer, Impact Trips, Prison Ministry Volunteers, and more!


Opportunities for Head Coaches and Assistant Coaches in Youth sports — soccer, flag football, baseball, t-ball, basketball, and track & field. Additional roles needed: Special Needs Ministry Leader and Assistant and Archery Instructor.  Adult Sports Leaders needed as well.


Opportunities for assisting with circulation desk, checking books in and out, shelving book labeling and organizing books, and cataloguing new books. Experience not required for most positions!


Opportunities for Writers, Photographers, Chalk Artists, and Bumper Crop Helpers!


Ready to take a first step in joining one of our ministry teams?  

Fill out our Volunteer Application to begin the process.