“Be Distinct,” Quest Men’s Bible Study  | March 1, 2021  |  Matthew 5:43-48

KEY TRUTH: Love everyone unconditionally.


  • Join us at 7:00 am in the Parlor at The Shepherd’s Church. (Come a little early for coffee and a light breakfast.)
  • Do you have a health risk related to COVID-19? You can participate via Zoom using THIS LINK.
  • Immediately following the large group, we break into discussion / prayer groups. If you are not yet in a group, contact Scott Wylie.

Outline and Discussion Questions:


  • QUESTION: Should we be more careful with the way we use the word “love?’ When is it appropriate to use the word, and when might we want to find another word?

Principle 1: We mimic Jesus when we love our enemies. (Matthew 5:43-45)

  • QUESTION: How would you define an “enemy” in your life?

  • QUESTION: What are some practical ways to love those we don’t like? There’s no “automatic switch” for becoming more loving toward others. What ideas do you have for mapping out a plan for loving our enemies?
  • QUESTION: When has prayer changed your attitude and actions toward someone difficult to love?

Principle 2: We should love and expect nothing in return. (Matthew 5:46-47)

  • QUESTION: What do we risk when we embrace Jesus’ definition of love? What do we risk personally? What do we risk from other believers? What do we risk from the culture around us?

  • QUESTION: How does Jesus differentiate between easy love and difficult love in this passage?

Principle 3: We display our maturity by how we love. (Matthew 5:48)

  • QUESTION: What are some opportunities we have to express unconditional love? (Think in terms of life-at home, at work, at church, in the community, and so on.)

  • QUESTION: Based on today’s passage, how would you describe your role and function as a follower of God?

  • HAVE TIME? How would your life be different if you were able to perfectly display God’s character and glory in your relationships, your finances, your emotions, or your ambitions and goals? How have you been blessed in these areas through your relationship with God?

Live It Out

  • QUESTION: What keeps us from taking these commands more seriously