Women’s Ministry contributes to the spiritual growth of the ladies at The Shepherd’s Church by providing opportunities for learning, serving, sharing and belonging.  We would love for you to be a part of our ministry. Please join us as we learn, serve, and fellowship together!

…filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding,so that you will walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God;” (Colossians 1:9-10)

Join Us!

Our Shepherd’s Women’s ministry provides wonderful opportunities to grow spiritually with other women through prayer, Bible study, fellowships and more! Check out the various opportunities below.


Now Registering for Fall Studies!

— On Campus —

Fall 2024
In and Out Precept Study (Ephesians)

Sundays / 5:00-6:30 PM / FC204 / September 8, 2024-March 30, 2025

Chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world, recipients of His grace, raised from the deadness of sin, forgiven, redeemed, holy, inheritors, and seated with Jesus Christ in the heavens! In Ephesians, Paul lays a rock-solid foundation of who we are in Christ, then encourages us to live out those truths. Praise God for what He planned in eternity past and is waiting to reveal to you now through the study of His Word. Learn who and what you are in Christ so that you might display His power through a transformed life!

Homework: 1-3 hours per week
Cost: $35/Year
Childcare in the form of Awana is available for a separate fee.


— On Campus —

Fall 2024
And the Lord Blessed Job (Book of Job)

Mondays / 7:00-9:00 PM / FC204 / September 9, 2024-March 24, 2025

And the Lord blessed Job. Does that surprise you? As strange as it may seem to us, one of the Lord’s blessings to Job was that he was chosen to show Satan that God is worthy of worship no matter what happens in our lives. And the greatest blessing of all for Job was experiencing an intimate life-changing encounter with the Lord. While the book of Job deals with suffering, it isn’t about answering the question “why do people suffer?” It’s about acknowledging that God is God. It’s about humbly submitting to Him as the Holy One who is infinite in wisdom, power, justice and goodness.

Would you be willing to take a journey with Job as he wrestles with pain, confusion, and temptation while trusting that his life is in God’s hands?

Join us in this verse-by-verse study where we will contemplate mind-boggling mysteries, amazing acts of God, and truth that is the anchor to hold us through any storm.

The Lord promises blessing to those who belong to Him. Discover this for yourself as you study the book of Job.

Homework: 2 lessons per week/45 minutes per lesson
Cost: $35/Year
No childcare available.


— Virtual —

Fall 2024
And the Lord Blessed Job (Book of Job)

Mondays / 7:00-9:00 PM / Zoom / September 9, 2024-March 24, 2025

Can’t attend the class in person? This will be a weekly Monday evening Zoom video conference for virtual discussion with a small group that tracks with the Monday evening class on campus.  See class description above.

Homework: 2 lessons per week/45 minutes per lesson
Cost: $35/Year


— On Campus —

Fall 2024
And the Lord Blessed Job (Book of Job)

Tuesdays / 9:30 AM-12 PM / FC209 / September 10, 2024-March 25, 2025

And the Lord blessed Job. Does that surprise you? As strange as it may seem to us, one of the Lord’s blessings to Job was that he was chosen to show Satan that God is worthy of worship no matter what happens in our lives. And the greatest blessing of all for Job was experiencing an intimate life-changing encounter with the Lord. While the book of Job deals with suffering, it isn’t about answering the question “why do people suffer?” It’s about acknowledging that God is God. It’s about humbly submitting to Him as the Holy One who is infinite in wisdom, power, justice and goodness.

Would you be willing to take a journey with Job as he wrestles with pain, confusion, and temptation while trusting that his life is in God’s hands?

Join us in this verse-by-verse study where we will contemplate mind-boggling mysteries, amazing acts of God, and truth that is the anchor to hold us through any storm.

The Lord promises blessing to those who belong to Him. Discover this for yourself as you study the book of Job.

Homework: 2 lessons per week/45 minutes per lesson
Cost: $35/Year
Childcare available.



— On Campus —

Fall 2024
Genesis One-Year Study

Precept Upon Precept, Genesis Parts 1-3 (of 5)

Tuesdays / 1:00-2:30 PM / September 10, 2024–March 25, 2024 / Room FC201

This is a one year study covering Genesis chapters 1-25.

“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”

Do you believe this statement that God has revealed in His Book?  What does this really mean, and how does it affect my daily life?

When you immerse yourself in the Biblical account of Creation, you will be led to know your Creator in deeper ways, increasing your awe of Him. You will also gain insight into who you are in relationship to your Maker and will gain a more complete understanding of your own purpose and how to live.  Explore the Biblical account of creation found in chapters one and two, how the world was created, and how man came into being. 

Genesis holds the keys to understanding the origin of sin and evil, the justice of God’s judgment, and the mercy of God’s plan for the redemption of mankind and hope for a lost and dying world.  Part two (the fall, the flood and the nations) lays a solid foundation for the rest of the story.  Part 3 is a study of the man, Abraham, who was called “the friend of God.”  What can you learn from him that will ground your faith, challenge your walk, and give you hope for the future? 

Homework: 5 days per week/45 minutes per day
Cost: $35/person
No childcare available.



— On Campus —

WOW – Women of Wisdom:

The Book of John

Wednesdays / 9:30-11:45 AM /   September 11, 2024 – April 30, 2024 / The Lodge (Family Center) 

Oh give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever. (Ps. 118:1)

W.O.W. (Women of Wisdom) is sound Bible study, aimed directly at Biblical literacy.

Daily lessons for personal study begin the excavation of the depth of God’s Word. Weekly small group discussion followed by worship in song and large group lecture allow iron to sharpen iron as we spend our Wednesday mornings together. Fellowship with these ladies is sure to lead to Godly friendships!

The subject of John’s gospel is the deity of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only begotten of the Father, by whom all things were made. He is the One who brings life, and He came to declare God to us. As we read and study John, we will see Jesus’ deity revealed in every chapter and rejoice that He indeed is raised from the dead! In awe and humility, our best response would be to follow His command, Follow Me (John 21:22).

For those where distance or health prevents attendance, we would love to invite you to our virtual group via Zoom. Email WOW@shepherds.org for more information.

Homework: 2.5 hours/week
Cost: $35/Year
Childcare available.




— On Campus —

Fall 2024
Kings & Chronicles

Wednesdays / 6:30-8:00 PM / September 11, 2024–March 26, 2025 / FC204

Our Fall Study is: “Kings and Prophets – A Divided Heart…A Divided Nation”
What happens when your heart is divided? What lessons can we learn for our lives today from the examples of Solomon, Rehoboam, Jeroboam, and Abijam? What does God do when His people trust their own judgment and disobey Him?

Spring 2025

Our Spring semester will be: “Kings and Prophets Series God Searches for a Heart Fully His” 
The first five lessons, we will study how God searches for a heart fully HIS. Neither Solomon, his son Rehoboam, nor his son Abijam followed God fully, nor did Jeroboam in Israel. Their hearts were divided. Would God ever find anyone to serve Him like David?  Would He ever find one whose heart was fully His? God says that we’re to love Him with all of our heart. Is that really possible? This course has the answer. 

Kings and Prophet Series- Passing the Mantle 
Could there be a man or woman like Elijah in our time – someone with his mantle who would boldly believe God and proclaim His Word? This study from 2 Kings and 2 Chronicles will help you experience the unchanging power of God in changing times.

Homework: 1-3 hours per week
Cost: $35/Year
No childcare available. 



— Virtual —

WOW – Women of Wisdom:
(See W.O.W. description listed on Wednesday)

Thursdays / 7:00-8:00 PM / September 12, 2023 – May 1, 2024 / Zoom

A sister option of W.O.W. (Women of Wisdom) above, this will be a weekly Thursday evening Zoom video conference for virtual discussion with a small group that tracks with the W.O.W. Wednesday morning; A link to the audio recording of each Wednesday’s lecture allows participants to get the whole package.

Old-fashioned friendships and conversations on new-fashioned technology of video conference!  Full-time jobs, distance, time zone changes and health issues don’t have to stop iron from sharpening iron with meaningful conversations via the web. Whether you are a working woman local to Cary, at a distance or have other reasons prohibiting your attending Wednesday’s live meetings, Thursday evening Zoom discussion group is the perfect WOW option. Surely by the end of the year, we will “virtually” be sisters!

Homework: 2.5 hours/week
Cost: $35/Year

women of prayer


Small groups of women, of all ages, are meeting one hour a week to pray for one another.  We believe that “the prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.” (James 5:16b). These groups are following a structured, Scripture-based approach that encourages seeking God’s face before seeking His hand.

When women seek God’s face and pray God’s Word together the following occur:

•  Community Replaces Isolation
•  Peace Replaces Anxiety
•  Unity of the Spirit Replaces Division
•  Ministries Produce Fruit that Remains
•  Personal and Churchwide Revival Occurs



Our regular prayer groups are now on break for the summer.  But we do have two groups meeting this summer. 


Saturdays, 9:30 am, in FC203 on following dates:

  • May 18, June 15, July 20, August 17


Tuesdays, 9:30 am, in FC209 on following dates:

  • June 4, 11, 25 and July 9, 16, 30


Saturdays, 9:30 am, in FC203 on following dates:

  • May 18, June 15, July 20, August 17


Tuesdays, 9:30 am, in FC209 on following dates:

  • June 4, 11, 25 and July 9, 16, 30

m3: mom-to-mom

M3 is for mothers of preschoolers ages birth through kindergarten. Moms enjoy a hot breakfast, fellowship, and teaching from God’s Word! This is a great opportunity to spend time with other moms going through the same stages of life.  The goal is to nurture every mother of preschoolers. Each meeting is structured so that moms will leave encouraged and built up in God’s Truth.

General Information:

We meet the 2nd & 4th Tuesdays of each month from 9:30 to 11:45 am, Sept – May. Childcare is offered for children birth through kindergarten, as well as for children in homeschool or for children tracked out. (The link to register for childcare will be in the confirmation email for this year’s registration.)


M3 follows a teared registration each year:
  • April 20-May 13—Current M3 Attendees
  • May 14-July 16—All Other Shepherd’s Church Moms
  • July 17-30—Open to the Public (as space allows)

REGISTRATION IS NOW FULL — Please email Rikki-Lauren Mendenhall to inquire if there are still spots available for the fall.

FEE INFO (for the Entire Year)

  • Registration Fee (Mom only) – Shepherd’s Member or Attendee – $10
  • Non-Shepherd’s Member – $50
  • 1 child: add $50 to the registration fee.
  • 2 children: add $65 to the registration fee.
  • 3 or more children: add $75 to the registration fee.
  • For tracked out school-age children, add $20 per family.

Note: We cannot guarantee refunds after registering.


women’s Book Club

Shepherd’s Women’s Book Club meets in Family Center room FC 201 on the 4th Thursday in January through October and the 3rd Thursday in November and December. We meet from 12:30 pm to discuss a wide variety of books, selected annually by members, written by Christian authors. Books include biographies, missionary stories, and Inspirational Christian fiction.  Ladies of all ages are invited to attend. For more information, contact Susan Hinson.


From time to time, we use this space to provide women with biblical resources to equip and encourage them in their walk with Christ. We hope you find this helpful, and we welcome your comments and feedback. 

Summer Study 2019

Posted 8/15/19

  • Week 1 – Introduction & Prayer
  • Week 2 – Worship
  • Week 3 – Bible Reading/ Memorization/Meditation
  • Week 4 – Discernment
  • Week 5 – Learning
  • Week 6 – Serving
  • Week 7 – Discipling
  • Week 8 – Evangelism

Women’s Ministry Team

Our Women’s Ministry is led by a team of dedicated volunteers who desire to serve the ladies of The Shepherd’s Church. Feel free to contact us if you have a question or if we can assist you in any way.

  • Amy Dixon (Women’s Ministry Director and Bible Studies)
  • Jenny Schomburg (Special Events Coordinator)
  • Sharon Daum (Women of Prayer)
  • Kim Hansen (M3 – for mothers of preschoolers)


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