Our Bible Fellowships meet every Sunday morning to provide an opportunity to hear excellent teaching, meet friendly people, and go deeper in your walk with Christ.  These groups often involve prayer, service projects, and social activities outside of class as well.  Find a group that is right for you!

CONNECT    •    GROW    •    BELONG

Find A Group That Is Right for You!

Our vision for Bible Fellowships is that individuals would CONNECT to the Body of Christ through relationships, fellowship and social interaction; GROW in faith through the teaching, discussion and application of God’s Word; and BELONG in a loving community based on encouragement, care, support and prayer.

The best way to find an ABF is to visit several classes until you find your perfect fit. While all of our classes are centered on God’s Word, they each have a unique focus and format. For example, some classes emphasize small groups while others have a combination of lecture and discussion in a large group. Some classes focus on marriage and family relationships and some study verse-by-verse through books of the Bible. Some tend to have students of all ages and some are more focused by age. Visit several, and contact Jimmy Carter if you would like to talk about the various options. 

Any Adults

AIM | 9:30 am

For Married Couples of Young Children (all adults welcome)
Room FC206
Leader: Brett Ingalls
At AIM, we are captivated by Jesus’ command to make disciples. Knowing that life touches life, we strive to personally encourage and equip each other to become disciple-makers, starting with our homes and then branching out into our different spheres of influence. Our close-knit community of believers enjoys the opportunity to connect through interactive teaching, regular fellowship events, small group studies and one-on-one relationships. We are all committed to challenging and encouraging each other to take that next spiritual step.



Bereans | 11:00 am

Location: Room FC202
Leader: Alan Travers
Gain a greater understanding of Biblical theology and learn to apply the truth of God’s Word to your daily life. Bereans gather for frequent fellowship to promote community among class members.



Coaches Corner | 8:15 am

Location: Parlor
Leader:    Teaching Team, Led by Steve Stadtmiller

      Dig deeply into God’s Word and discover the Christian worldview that equips us with spiritual wisdom to be coaches in whatever stage and station of life we find ourselves: parents, leaders, teachers, and counselors in our families, church ministries, and communities. The class encourages community by offering fellowship activities outside of class.

Cornerstone | 9:30 am

For Parents of Teens through Young Adult Children
Room FC203
Leader: Alan Hoffler
Developing a strong marriage, parenting, caring for aging parents, cultivating faith in the workplace—a daunting list for anyone! Join Cornerstone where parents are encouraged to glorify God in life’s many challenges. Supper clubs and women’s fellowships are some of the community building opportunities provided. Cornerstone uses discussion-based Bible studies on Sunday morning. During the week the men from Cornerstone meet virtually for Bible study on Friday mornings.

Cultivate | 9:30 am

Location: FC201
Leader: Led by a Teaching Team
Cultivate is a place to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ, grounded in the truth of Scripture and strengthened by meaningful community through regular gatherings, fellowship events and opportunities to serve. We strive to cultivate lives of faith and love in Christ.

Devoted 2:42 | 9:30 am

For Parents of Older Teens & Young Adults
Room: Parlor
Leader:  Gregg Locher
Making the transition to being parents of young adults who are establishing independence isn’t easy. Learn to follow the principles of Acts 2:42, being “devoted to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship” with a focus on parenting and family relationships.


Encouragers | 11:00 am

Location: SC206
Leaders: Wayne McGrath & Kevin Rusche

Encouragers is built around community, prayer, and fellowship. Each Sunday morning gathering will include a short lesson. Topics will vary and be a combination of video and live teaching. A significant portion of the hour is devoted to co-ed small group discussion. The goals for this class include building relationships with each other and with the church leadership, fostering corporate prayer, developing accountability and support, providing service opportunities, and pursuing fun and fellowship with each other as we grow in godliness.

Journey to Jerusalem | 9:30 am

Location: FC205
Leader: Winn Crenshaw

The purpose of this class is to foster an understanding of the spiritual, historical, and cultural background of the Bible from its Jewish perspective. The class will help develop a passion for God’s plan for the ages as we observe Him working among the world’s three people groups: Jews, Gentiles, and the Church.

Men's Class | 9:30 am

Location: FC211
Leader: Greg Huntington
Our men’s class fosters personal accountability to Christ and features open class discussion and high-interaction small groups. Fellowship opportunities emphasize spiritual growth and genuine discipleship to Fellowship opportunities which exist outside of class time emphasize spiritual growth and genuine discipleship.

New Season | 11:00 am

For Parents of Adult Children
Leader:  Trent McKay
Our New Season class is focused on embracing God’s plan and presence in every new season of life. Each season has its own unique challenges and opportunities from an empty nest, expanding families though the marriage of children, aging parents or whatever God has for you in this season of your life. The joys, sorrows, and challenges of each new season are made better through this strong community of faith. New Season follows a discussion format while providing dedicated time for prayer. The class is committed to an abundance of fellowship to strengthen your faith and provide opportunities for you to experience the encouragement of Christian friendship.

Pathfinders | 9:30 am

Location: FC209
Leader: Larry Hoxie, Joel Ray and Jeff Moss

Pathfinders class is open to all adults. We are focused on the application of God’s word as a light unto our feet and lamp unto our path for daily living. The format includes teaching and discussion, centered on the truth of God’s Word and its practical implications for our lives as we seek to live as a community of faith.


Couples & Parents

Couples Under Construction | 9:30 am

For Married Couples of All Ages
Room FC202
Leader:  Eddie Watkins
Couples Under Construction is a group dedicated to experiencing biblical truth in marriage, family life and community. Gather with other married couples and parents to study God’s Word and learn truths you can apply to your life experiences. CUC fosters community through a variety of fellowship opportunities. Learn more about Couples Under Construction at the class WEBSITE.


Home Builders | 9:30 am

For Young Married Couples
Location: 6200 Holly Springs Rd (house)
Leader:  Tim Miller

This class is designed to equip newly married couples with the tools they need to navigate the beautiful complexities of married life. We focus on two key elements: 1) Strong Scriptural Foundation: Through interactive study, we’ll walk verse-by-verse through Scripture, providing a foundation for your marriage grounded in faith. 2) Supportive Community: You’ll connect with other couples through fellowship events and small group Bible studies, fostering a supportive network. Become part of our community and strengthen your marriage while deepening your faith.
We meet at the church house located at 6200 Holly Springs Rd. Please park in the gravel lot just across from the Worship Center and make the short walk past the white houses to the large brick home.


New Life| 9:30 am

For Parents of Children & Teens (but All Adults Welcome)
Room FC207
Leaders: Stephen Pritchett, Bob Bangs, Brian Lloyd
In New Life our emphasis is on pursuing spiritual maturity together. We are serious about living out Biblical fellowship with all of its implications. Our teaching time is strong in its exposition of scripture and seeks to be highly interactive. Our members are also encouraged to participate in the weekly Bible studies provided for the men and women.

Senior Adults

Lifespring | 11:00 am

Typical Age: 65+
Leader: Les Lofquist
Lifespring is designed to encourage you to develop and maintain a deeper study of Scripture. The interactive lecture supplements your study, using a question and answer time to stimulate critical thinking. Lifespring members enjoy fellowship outside of class. “Breakfast at Barry’s” (BABS) is a weekly informal get-together for the men and “Lifespring Ladies Luncheon” is a monthly fellowship for women.

Open Bible | 9:30 am

Typical Age: 55+, but All Are Welcome
Leader: Vince Smith
Open Bible seeks to exalt Christ through the study and teaching of Scripture verse by verse. This class provides a warm and welcoming atmosphere of prayer, class interaction, along with mission support, whereby, each becomes a means to carry out the admonition of Heb. 10:24, “Let us consider how to simulate one another to love and good deeds.”


Young Adults

Fusion | 11:00 am

Typical Age: Post-College and Young Career
Upper Room
Leader: Peter Goeman
Fusion is a class for young adults, both single and married, with the purpose of proving a biblical community that encourages growth and maturity in Christ through the study of Scripture. Young adults feel the pressure of important responsibilities and the constant influence of the culture around them. FUSION exists to help navigate these daily challenges by looking to Scripture, as well as providing a place for fellowship of like-minded adults.


Curso de Teología | 9:30 am

Ubicición: CC222
En este curso en español estudiamos 10 doctrinas fundamentales de la fe cristiana que nos ayudaran a establecer un cimiento solido y profundo de nuestras creencias.

Global Connect | 9:30 am

All Internationals & Americans
Leader: Karl Kosobucki
For internationals and Americans, both believers and seekers, those with little knowledge of the Bible and those with much knowledge. Excellent for those for whom English is a second language. The teaching is usually of a Bible book, but may also be a Bible overview or topic. It may include lecture, discussion groups, or multimedia. Bi-monthly fellowship events are also held in homes.

Special Emphasis

Be Our Guest | 11:00 am

First-time Guests and Anyone New to Shepherd’s
 Prayer Room
Leader: Russ Frank
One-time guest event where you’ll learn a brief history of the church, have the opportunity to ask questions, and enjoy a brief tour of our facility.

Holy Hands | 9:30 am

For Deaf and Hearing Impaired
Leader: Ken Pohlig
Holy Hands is a class for the Deaf and hearing impaired. Bible study for adults and youth who are deaf, hearing impaired or desiring to learn sign language. All are welcome. We strive to study God’s Word and apply the Word in our daily lives. We learn from each other and seek to grow spiritually in the Lord. When our Bible study ends at 10:45 am, we then go to the Worship service (starting at 11:00 am) where the entire Worship service is interpreted with dedicated and skilled interpreters who love the Lord. We frequently meet for fellowship and social interaction. Learn more.

Praiseworthy | 9:30 am

Abbreviated Class for Music and Hospitality Ministry
Leaders: Marc Cotnoir
Praiseworthy is an abbreviated class that begins after the music portion of the Worship Service is complete. While all are welcome, this class gives members of Shepherd’s Music and Hospitality ministries an opportunity to study God’s Word.

Singles Class | 11:00 am

Typical Age: 55+
Leader: Steve Polen
Older singles gather to study God’s Word through discussion and small-group studies as well as presentations. Understanding God’s amazing grace toward us is the focus of every study, and enjoying that grace and living it out toward others is the guiding principle of the class. There are frequent fellowships offered.

Adults staff
Jimmy Carter

Jimmy Carter

Family Pastor

Scott Wilson

Scott Wilson

Senior Adult Pastor

Jonell Williams

Jonell Williams

Senior Adult Admin Assistant