Our Fusion Young Adult Ministry provides biblical community for all young adults (post- college age), both single and married, and encourages growth and maturity in Christ.
11:00 am | Upper Room
Our main gathering is on Sunday mornings where we meet for a time of vibrant worship, relevant Bible teaching and fellowship with other young adults (post-college age). Often times the groups meets afterward for a meal to continue growing in those relationships with one another.
12:45 pm | Café
Fusion fellowship luncheons are typically held the first Sunday of every month (with the exception of holiday weekends), in the Café immediately after Fusion. A Signup Genius for food is posted the week before on our Facebook Group, and any Fusion guests are welcome to stick around and come get to know our group!
During the week, join us to go deeper in your study of God’s Word and to develop great friendships with other like-minded young adults. Check out the groups meeting below.
Couples’ Group — Meets monthly on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays, 6:30-8 pm, Off Campus (for location details email Jonell Williams.)
Guys’ Small Group — Meets Wednesdays, 7-9 pm, Off Campus (for location details email Jonell Williams)
Coed Large Group— Meets Thursdays, 7-9 pm in the Upper Room.
Fusion Ladies Bible Study — Meets twice a month on Fridays, starting September 6, 6:30-9 pm, Off Campus (for location details email Diane Maness.)
Fusion Ministry Leaders
Pete Goeman
Lead Teacher
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