Our mission is to train men to pursue vibrant faith in Jesus Christ, understand and obey Scripture, develop healthy relationships and embrace their role as leaders in the home, church and community.


We proclaim Him, admonishing every person and teaching every person with all wisdom, so that we may present every person complete in Christ. (Colossians 1:28)

Our ministry to men is built around a no-nonsense approach to personal Bible study, formal instruction, small group accountability, mentoring and fellowship. As Christian men, we intend to grow deep in our relationship with God and lead our homes, church, and community toward Christ and for His glory.


To achieve our mission, we focus on the following goals:

  1. Maturity – We strive to help each man understand his identity and purpose in Christ through instruction that challenges him to understand and live in obedience to the Word of God.
  2. Support – We strive to create an atmosphere that fosters encouragement, accountability, and bonds of trust.
  3. Training – We strive to prepare men to lead in the church, community, and home.
  4. Resources – We strive to develop or provide Christ-honoring resources that aid men in their spiritual journey.


As Christian men mature in their faith, we believe the following values will be evident:

  1. Devotion: Devotion to God involves knowing, loving and serving God in all areas of life. A life of devotion is expressed in praise, worship and enjoyment of God.
  2. Obedience: Godly men pursue obedience to God’s Word and order their lives around the teaching and principles of Scripture.
  3. Intentionality: Biblical manhood starts with a decision to reject spiritual and social passivity. This is especially true when doing nothing is the more comfortable and natural option.
  4. Mission:  Men are called to work in their vocation, home, church, and community. Each of those setting is first and foremost an opportunity to serve Christ by advancing the gospel and investing in others for their good and God’s glory. 
  5. Community: We are called to live in the context of healthy (as opposed to exploitive or non-existent) relationships. If married, we are called to love our wives like Christ loved the church. All men are called to love, support and serve the church, the body of Christ, for whom Christ died.
  6. Leadership: Every man is called by God to lead, and godly men reflect Christ in their leadership. 
    • Godly leadership is not authoritarian or self-aggrandizing. It does not assume Christ’s authority but advocates for it.
    • Godly leadership is not patronizing or condescending. It does not presume superiority but mobilizes the strengths of others. 
    • Godly leadership is courageous. It steps out to lead when it’s not easy to do so. Leading courageously means leading with truth rather than surrendering to feelings.
  7. Perspective: Godly men have an eternal perspective, serving God faithfully with the anticipation of a great reward, understanding that Christ is our joy and fulfillment, rather than the immediate pleasures offered by society.
  8. Generosity: Godly men live generous lives, giving of their time, talents and resources for the sake of God’s work in this world. 

Bible Studies

Men seeking a vibrant faith in Christ need a no-nonsense approach to personal Bible study, instruction, accountability, mentoring and fellowship. As Christian men, we intend to grow deep in our relationship with God and lead our homes, church, and community toward Christ and for His glory.

Solomon’s Porch / Tuesdays / 7:00 pm / The Lodge

Solomon’s Porch is a forum for the discussion of relevant historical, cultural, political, and theological issues impacting men, especially as men function in their daily lives, while also providing a means for the development of relationships and accountability within a context of truth. Our mission is to enable and support men in the quest to renew their minds, restore their families, reform their churches and revitalize their culture.

Men’s Quest / Wednesdays / 6:30 am / Parlor

Meets Year-Round (occasional breaks)

CLICK HERE for the Quest lesson information and archive.

Quest begins with breakfast, followed by a lesson from God’s Word and a time for discussion and prayer. We’re working our way through a curriculum called The Gospel Project. This is a fast paced, highly practical survey of God’s Word. The emphasis of each study is on how God’s Word applies to the lives men lead and the issues men face. Wednesdays / 6:30 AM / Parlor / Meets year round with occasional breaks / Led by Jimmy Carter. For information on our men’s studies, contact Jimmy Carter.

Wednesdays / 6:30 pm / Virtual Zoom Study  / Meets Year-Round (occasional breaks)

Men who want to go deep into God’s Word will enjoy our Wednesday evening men’s Bible study. This study meets year round via Zoom and is led by veteran Bible scholar, Dr. Alan Travers. Join anytime. The current study is going through the book of Isaiah.  For more information or to obtain the Zoom link, email Dr. Travers.  

Thursdays / 7:00 pm /FC206 / Meets Year-Round (occasional breaks)

Reconvenes on January 23

Men’s Purity Group (MPG) is a group of men who care deeply about our relationship with God, and who together want to allow God’s Word to illuminate every aspect of our lives, including our sexuality, and bring that which has been kept hidden in the dark into the light of God’s redemptive power. This study meets on Thursday nights at 7 pm in FC206. Join anytime. Questions? Email us at