Men seeking a vibrant faith in Christ need a no-nonsense approach to personal Bible study, instruction, accountability, mentoring and fellowship. As Christian men, we intend to grow deep in our relationship with God and lead our homes, church, and community toward Christ and for His glory.

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Wednesdays | 6:30 am | Parlor
Leader: Jimmy Carter

Meets year-round with occasional breaks.

The emphasis of each Quest study is on how God’s Word applies to the lives men lead and the issues men face.

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Come in Person

Join us in the Parlor at The Shepherd’s Church.

Stay Informed

Anouncements are sent via text message. CLICK HERE to sign up.


1 & 2 Timothy – Deepen your faith and grow in your understanding and application of key doctrines as we study Paul’s letters to Timothy.

Previous Studies

Colossians & Philemon

Taking the Christian worldview seriously means understanding what god has done, and what it means to follow Him.

Now We Live

Like all worldviews, Christianity influences our ideas, beliefs, convictions, and habits. It changes how we live.

Now We Live

Love is central to the Christian life so we must learn how to love our neighbor as God commands.


The message of Hebrews is clear. Jesus is greater! So live boldly and hold fast to your faith in Him.

Authentic Faith

James teaches this central message: true faith is evident. We are not just to hear the Word; we are to do what it says.

Marks of a Disciple

What does it look like what a man is growing in godliness? What traits should be evident? We’ll explore that in this study.

Living By The Book

While many draw direction from the Bible, others struggle with it. Learn practical skills to glean the truth from God’s Word.


Joseph’s example of faith and integrity reminds us that God’s overall purpose is to conform us into the image His Son.

Be Distinct

Don’t blend in. Don’t compromise. Be distinct! Learn to live intentionally from the Sermon on the Mount.