Authentic Faith – A Study Through James (Begins October 27, 2021 / 6:30 am)

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James is one of the most quoted books in the Bible. “Faith produces steadfastness.” “God cannot be tempted.” “Be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger.” “Faith apart from works is dead.” “Resist the devil and he will flee from you.”

It’s also a letter that can be confusing. Should we be anointing people with oil? Does God heal people who have enough faith? Does James agree with Paul about the relationship between faith and works?

We’ll explore these issues in this study. But we’ll focus on James’ primary message to us: our faith should be evident in the way we live. We are not just to hear the Word; we are to do what it says.

Join us as we pursue authentic faith in this study through James.



  • Join us at 6:30 am in the Parlor at The Shepherd’s Church for a full breakfast.

  • The lesson begins at 6:50 am.
  • Immediately following the lesson, we break into discussion/prayer groups. If you are not yet in a group, contact Scott Wylie. (