Quest Men’s Bible Study  | March 31, 2021  |  Genesis 40

KEY TRUTH: When God’s sovereign plan seems grim, his love and care and desire for your good is unchanged.


  • Join us at 7:00 am in the Parlor at The Shepherd’s Church. (Come a little early for coffee and a light breakfast.)
  • Do you have a health risk related to COVID-19? You can participate via Zoom using THIS LINK.
  • Immediately following the large group, we break into discussion / prayer groups. If you are not yet in a group, contact Scott Wylie.
 Outline and Discussion Questions:
  1. Pharaoh’s Imprisonment of His Court Officers (Genesis 40:1-4)
    • QUESTION: Describe a time when God put someone in your life, and later on, used that person to help you or bless you. We shouldn’t be looking to “use” people, but how can we approach new relationships with the mindset of trying to learn and grow from them? What is a practical way that you’ve benefited from someone in your life who did not know God? 
  2. Joseph Interprets Two Dreams (Genesis 40:5-19)
    • QUESTION: Think about Joseph asking the cup bearer to mention him to Pharoah. In your opinion, was that appropriate or inappropriate? What are some principles we should keep in mind when trying to balance being men of faith, and men to take action on our own behalf? When have you faced the decision to either take action, or, allow God to work out all the details according to His will and timetable? Which of those two choices is more likely to result in joy and satisfaction, or doesn’t it matter?
    • QUESTION: Joseph was willing to reveal what God had said, whether the news was good or bad. In what ways have you noticed that Christians have watered down the truth or remained quiet about some truths? What’s the danger of communicating a more palatable, but watered down gospel? 
  3. The Dreams Are Fulfilled (Genesis 40:20-23)
  4. Implications
    • QUESTION: Besides Joseph, what other Bible characters experienced a time that seemed bad, but God was working behind the scenes in ways he/she didn’t know? Can you recall and share a time when it seemed like God was setting you aside, disciplining you, or causing you to face a hardship? What did God teach you through that experience? How did God use that time in your life to prepare you for something that was coming later? What are some reasons why God uses hardship to prepare and teach us? Why are some life lessons better learned in adversity? 
    • QUESTION: What is one key truth from Genesis 40 that you want to apply this week?