Quest Men’s Bible Study | May 5, 2021 | Genesis 45
- Join us at 7:00 am in the Parlor at The Shepherd’s Church. (Come a little early for coffee and a light breakfast.)
- Do you have a health risk related to COVID-19? You can participate via Zoom using THIS LINK.
- Immediately following the large group, we break into discussion / prayer groups. If you are not yet in a group, contact Scott Wylie.
Outline and Discussion Questions:
- Joseph Reveals His Identity (45:1-15)
- Pharaoh Responds and Provides (Genesis 45:16-24)
- Jacob Revives (Genesis 45:25-28)
- It’s obvious that, over the years, Joseph held no grudges against his brothers for their cruel treatment of him.
- QUESTION: Joseph possessed a loving, sensitive, and forgiving spirit. What are some ways you can develop those qualities? What happens in relationships when these qualities are not present? What are some biblical principles to keep in mind when forgiveness is hard?
- Even though Joseph experienced and remembered severe and adverse conditions, we don’t see him demonstrating self-pity.
- QUESTION: Why does feeling sorry for ourselves only compound whatever harsh circumstances we may be experiencing? What’s it like to be around people who continually feel sorry for themselves? In what ways is self-pity a barrier to serving God fully and faithfully? What does self-pity potentially reveal about a person’s faith in God?
- Joseph seems to have always thought of life in terms of God’s plan. He seems to have believed that God has worked out a plan, and is working out His plan.
- QUESTION: Can you think of times when you either doubted or forgot that God is sovereign over all things? How do you look back on that situation now? What are some tips you’ve learned to help you continually look to God to work things out according to His will?
- Jacob was the recipient of good news that revived his spirit. Sometimes we need to be patient and wait expectantly for God to bring encouragement to our spirit.
- QUESTION: Read Proverbs 25:25. What is some recent “good news” that brought joy to your heart? In addition to good news, what are some other ways that God encourages us and revives us when our spirits feel low? When you’ve been down and in need of encouragement, what are some ways that others have helped you, and what are some ways that others have made it worse? What are some things we should keep in mind when someone close to us needs encouragement?
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