Quest Men’s Bible Study  | May 19, 2021  |  Genesis 48-49


  • Join us at 7:00 am in the Parlor at The Shepherd’s Church. (Come a little early for coffee and a light breakfast.)
  • Do you have a health risk related to COVID-19? You can participate via Zoom using THIS LINK.
  • Immediately following the large group, we break into discussion / prayer groups. If you are not yet in a group, contact Scott Wylie. 

Text the word – men – to 919-444-8156

Joseph 11 – Jacob’s Blessing and Prophecy

  1. Jacob Adopts Joseph’s Sons (48:1-7)

    QUESTION: Near the end of your life, if God gives you the opportunity to reflect, what do you suppose will stand out above all other things? What will prompt gratitude and what will prompt regret? How should the answer to these questions influence the days you have remaining?

    QUESTION: What are some practical ideas you’ve seen or heard from a man who wanted to be remembered primarily for his faith as opposed to his accomplishments? While our faith is not transferable to our descendants, what are some ways we can leave a legacy of faith?

  2. Jacob Blesses Joseph’s Sons (48:8-20)
  3. Jacob Blesses Joseph (48:21-22)

    QUESTION: At the end of his life, Jacob had firm faith that rested fully in God; a heart of gratitude as he reflected on his life; love for those around him; and hope as he contemplated his spiritual legacy. What are some practical steps that man can take now to help develop and strengthen their faith, gratitude, love and hope?

  4. Jacob’s Prophecy and Death (49:1-33)

    QUESTION: All of Jacob’s sons received an inheritance in the Promised Land. However, in some cases, their blessing was limited because of their sin. What principles can we draw concerning our own sin? Can you share a time when your sin caused you to miss out on God’s blessing? Based on what you know from the Bible, how does our sin impact our future blessing in heaven?