Quest Men’s Bible Study | June 2, 2021 | Genesis 50
- Join us at 7:00 am in the Parlor at The Shepherd’s Church. (Come a little early for coffee and a light breakfast.)
- Do you have a health risk related to COVID-19? You can participate via Zoom using THIS LINK.
- Immediately following the large group, we break into discussion / prayer groups. If you are not yet in a group, contact Scott Wylie.
Text the word – men – to 919-444-8156
Joseph 12 – Finishing Well
- Jacob’s Burial (Genesis 50:1-13)
- Joseph Reassures His Brothers (Genesis 50:14-21)
- Joseph Dies (Genesis 50:22-26)
QUESTION: Use this as an opportunity to reflect on and discuss all that we’ve seen in Joseph. Here are a few key truths that we must receive by faith:
- God is the ultimate Judge of all things.
There is a day coming when all wrongs will be righted by Him, not by men (Rom. 12:19; 1 Thess. 5:15; 1 Peter 4:19). - God is the ultimate Governor of the universe.
God uses all things, including evil events, in the process of carrying out His sovereign will and purposes (Gen. 45:5; John 18:11; Acts 2:22-24; 4:28; 13:27; Rom. 8:28, 29, 32, 38-39; Phil. 1:12). - Evil is to be repaid with forgiveness and love.
Joseph personally promised his brothers that he would provide and care for them and their families. His words, and the manner in which he promised them, reflect what Jesus would do centuries later. (Luke 6:27-38; Rom. 13:10; 1 John 3:16-18).
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