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Help A Child See the Light of Christ at Christmas!

…and they shall call His name Immanuel, which translated means, “God with us” (Matthew 1:23)


Your Love, Prayers, and Special Gift this Christmas Will Help Lead Russian-Speaking Children to the Savior!


In Russia and neighboring countries, communism rules no longer, but the spiritual crisis left by 70 years of enforced atheism remains. Russia’s poverty rate is also on the rise and millions of children don’t know of Jesus and His love for them. Very few of these impoverished children have a Bible of their own in the Russian language. Their parents or caregivers can’t afford Christmas gifts for the most part. So many children, day after day, often feel unloved and without hope…never having heard of Christ.

But through Slavic Gospel Association’s Immanuel’s Child outreach, you can help bring Russian-speaking children the life-changing Gospel and the joy of the real meaning of Christmas!


Through Immanuel’s Child, a $25 gift will provide the following:

  • A personal message of love from you and your family. Sign a Star of Bethlehem ornament, which has a printed message that says: “Jesus Loves You” in Russian, which will be given to a child in need.
  • A Gospel opportunity. For many needy children and their families, this will be the first—and perhaps only—time they will hear the gospel of Christ’s love.
  • A special Christmas gift that has been purchased locally, lovingly wrapped, and presented by Russian-speaking church workers.
  • A children’s Bible in Russian. What a wonderful gift that will be treasured and read!
  • Candy and nutritious fruit—rare treats for needy children in Russian’s harsh winter.
  • Other items such as warm clothing and personal care products.
  • Materials for discipleship. Russian language Christian literature and other materials will be given to local churches-vital tools for follow-up ministry that will take place in the months after Christmas is over.

Help Share the Good News of Jesus with a Russian-speaking Child in Need This Christmas!



Stop by the “Immanuel’s Child” table in the church lobby on any of the following Sundays, October 13, 20, 27, and November 3, to pick out a “star” that represents a child in need of the gospel.

Sign the Russian-language half of the star that will be given to the child, and keep the English-language half for your Christmas tree as a prayer reminder.


Give your signed star to a representative at the lobby table on any of the following Sundays, October 13, 20, 27 and November 3, along with your donation of $25 or as much as the Lord leads. The half of the ornament with a personal Russian-language greeting will be sent overseas and given with your gift in time for Christmas. 


Stop by the table in the church lobby on any of the following Sundays–October 13, 20, 27 and November 3–to learn more and get any questions answered. Or email