Our Mobilization and Advancement Office offers a variety of dynamic local programs to help encourage, equip, and empower you to engage in service locally!
ESL (English as a Second Language)
This program gives a quality education that promotes academic achievement while supporting English language development. Free childcare is provided for parents who attend the program. Classes meet on Friday mornings during the school year. If you are interested in attending or volunteering, please email esl@colonial.org.
Disciple-Making Training
Periodic classes and workshops will equip you to effectively share your faith, understand how to witness to people of other religions, and develop an apologetic defense of the Christian faith.
Expatriate Worker Preparation
One of the most effective outreach strategies is for Christian men, women, and families to relocate to another part of the world to live, work, worship and love a community. We’re prepared to equip you and help you with an intentional international assignment.
Prayer Foundation
Praying for our Global Staff and Global Partners is the focus of the Prayer Foundation. This team gathers regularly to serve these ministers and their ministries through powerful intercessory prayer. Contact us if you are interested in joining!